NECO Animal Husbandry Answers 2023 [Essay-Obj-Practical] is Out

NECO Animal Husbandry Questions and Answers 2023 SSCE Released.

The Neco animal husbandry answers 2023 practical, essay objective questions are now available. The National Examination Council (NECO) Animal Husbandry paper for Practical will be written on Thursday 3rd August 2023.

Also, the NECO animal husbandry Essay and Obj paper will start at 10:00 am. In this post, we will be giving out the Animal Husbandry questions for candidates that will participate in the examination from past questions.

NECO Animal Husbandry Answers 2023.

PAPER 2 [Essay]
Answer any FOUR questions.
Write your answers on the answer booklet provided.

1. (a) Give seven reasons for keeping farm animals.
(b) Classify cattle, goat, rabbit, horse, donkey, pig, snail, and honeybee into:
(i) Ruminants;
(ii) Non-ruminants.
(c) (i) State four advantages of artificial insemination.
(ii) State five functions of the rumen.

2. (a) Explain the term malnutrition in farm animals.
(b) Distinguish between maintenance ration and production ration.
(c) State four factors to be considered when formulating a diet for farm animals.
(d) (i) State four disadvantages of an extensive system of keeping poultry.
(ii) Mention six advantages of the battery cage system for keeping layers.

3. (a) Define the following terms:
(i) hay  (ii) silage.
(b) (i) Name two types of pasture.
(ii) State four advantages of establishing a grass-legume pasture.
(iii) State three advantages of rotational grazing.
(c) Draw and label the digestive tract of a hen.


NECO Animal Husbandry Objective 2022.


NECO Animal Husbandry Practical 2023 Specimens.

A: Udder of a goat. B: Liver of a Cattle. C: Testes of a Goat. D: Groundnut Seeds. E: Animal Bone. F: Elephant Grass. G: Domestic Fowl. H: Live Rabbit.

Question 1:
(a)  Identify specimens A, B, and C.
(b)  Name two farm animals that specimen A could be used on.
(c)  State three uses of specimen B.
(d) (i)  Describe how specimen C is used.
(ii) State two maintenance practices for specimen C.

Question 2:
(a) Identify specimens H, I, J, and K.
(b) State five advantages of having specimens H and I in a pasture.
(c) Mention one monogastric and one polygastric animal that could feed on specimen  I.
(d) Describe the process of making specimen K.

Question 3:


NOTE: That there is nothing like Neco animal husbandry expo 2020 online. The questions here are from NECO Animal Husbandry past question papers and for revision purposes only. Do not be deceived by fraudsters posing fake Neco answers on the internet.

Keep following, more questions and answers will be added soon.

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