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UNN 2021/22 Postgraduate Entrance Exam Date & Timetable Out

UNN Postgraduate CBT Screening Exam Details 2021/2022 is Out.

This is to inform all concerned candidates that the School of Postgraduate Studies, University of Nigeria Nsukka (UNN) has announced the Computer Based Screening Test date and schedule for the 2021/2022 Postgraduate Admission exercise.

This is to inform the general public that the Postgraduate Admissions Computer Based Screening Test is scheduled to hold between 16th and 17th June 2022.

NB: Check out for information on screening processes here frequently for your further necessary action.

UNN Main Gate New

RELATED: Download UNN Postgraduate Screening Past Questions Free Here



Note: Exam Venue is Nnamdi Azikiwe Library, University of Nigeria, Nsukka. CANDIDATES ARE REQUESTED TO COME ALONG WITH THEIR SUMMARY FORM D3.

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Comments (133)

  • Good afternoon please when is the screening test take place?

  • My dear Faculty Members! It is often said that “evil thrives in a society when the good people in such a society say or do nothing”. It is partly based on this popular quote that I have decided to say some few things concerning this write-up from a purported former student. Permit me to begin by saying that I am somewhat disappointed by the initial comments made by some academics on this platform. As academics, we should not be persuaded based on emotions but based on sound reasons. As intellectuals, we should scrutinize write-ups with a view to ascertaining their veracity; we should seek truth and cherish truth. Having said the foregoing, let me say that the fact that an institution is painted in lurid colours by a disgruntled or some disgruntled former students does not diminish the credibility of the institution. Incidentally, the first generation universities that were mentioned in the write-up(University of Ibadan, University of Lagos and Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria) had at one time or the other been painted “black” and discredited by some disgruntled former students. It is not possible for all the students that enter or pass through a university to shower praises on the university. I did my MSc and PhD at University of Ibadan(in Economics Department). Those of us that were successful have often showered encomiums on the Department and the University. But many of those that were not successful have often vilified the Department and the University. Let me say that, in general, the write-up is not even tangential to the truth rather it is parallel to the truth. The write-up claimed that there are many lecturers in Economics Department of UNN that are not good but are evil yet he only mentioned the name Jude for “crucifixion”. This is very unfair to put it mildly. He could not even write the full name of somebody he claimed has been the Postgraduate Co-ordinator and the current Head of the Department he was admitted in about three years ago. This is an eloquent manifestation that he was not a serious student. For record purposes, the full name of the current Head of Economics Department, UNN is Dr. Jude Okechukwu Chukwu. He is an erudite scholar, he is an astute administrator, he is an indefatigable worker in the temple of knowledge and he is an epitome of humility. He is a Reader yet he humbles himself. He has served the Department with matchless diligence and sagacity. Also, he is a moral giant and an unrepentant crusader of sound morality and strict adherence to rules and regulations in the work place. He is highly principled and he holds his principle tenaciously. It was Thomas Jefferson(a former American President) that stated: “In matters of style, swim with the current; in matters of principle, stand like a rock”. Those that are morally bankrupt and always want to “cut corners” will surely hate him. Unfortunately, we are in a world of “moral liliputians”. It is not true that Dr. Jude Okechukwu Chukwu has been the Departmental Postgraduate Co-ordinator. He was the Seminar Co-ordinator and few days after he became HOD on 1st August, 2019, he left the position and assigned it to Dr. Innocent Ifelunini. It should be noted that Dr. Chukwu became Head of Economics Department, UNN on 1st August, 2019(just about 7 months before the COVID-19 lock-down). How then could he have caused all the purported “damages” within this short period? As another pointer to the mischievous nature and falsity of the write-up, it is stated in it that “even after one year of being appointed HOD, he is still the PG Co-ordinator”. This is blatant falsehood! As shown earlier, it is not up to one year that he became the HOD and he was never the PG Co-ordinator within the past nine(9) years. The write-up further claimed that when he was appointed the HOD by his cronies(fellow perpetrators), the worst happened. Could this be true? Was the headship appointment given by his “cronies(follow perpetrators)”? Was it not the VC that gave the appointment? Or is the VC among his “cronies”(“perpetrators”)? As academics, we should always do critical thinking otherwise the higher degrees we claim to possess may be considered as useless. It was Chinua Achebe(of the blessed and eternal memory) that once stated that “if the intellectual fails to live by his intellect, he ceases to have relevance”. The write-up also claims that Dr. Chukwu “made a covenant that he will frustrate all his Postgraduate supervises and all PG students because he was delayed by his own supervisor while he was doing his PhD programme. This is evidently another blatant lie. The seasoned academic that supervised Dr. Chukwu’s PhD thesis is Prof. Felix E. Onah. Dr. Chukwu has maintained an excellent working relationship and rapport with his thesis supervisor. The supervisor did not even delay him(Dr. Chukwu) rather the delay was as a result of his unparalled dedication to his duties in the Department as well as his great passion for excellence; he never wanted to sacrifice excellence on the alter of speed. To his credit, at least two papers from his PhD thesis were published in high impact Thomson Reuters journals(that also appeared in Quartile 1 of Scimago Journal Rank class). To the best of my knowledge, Dr. Chukwu has assisted many PG students professionally; indeed, he has mentored many PG students(i.e., those that showed promise for scholarship). Let me point out here that the write-up did not just vilify Economics Department but the entire University. The write-up claimed, among other things, that “more than 50% of lecturers at UNN are not dedicated to their work …” Is this true? If we agree that it is true, then we are saying that we don’t have a university. I can go on and on showing that the write-up is full of lies but I have to apply discretion which is said to be the better part of valour. Let me advise us not to be too quick to side disgruntled students against our colleagues. Academics in Nigeria, in general, are working very hard in spite of their poor pay and overall welfare condition. It is sad to note that a full professor in Nigeria earns less than $1,000 per month while his counterpart in many sane societies earn more than $6,000 per month. Despite the poor pay and welfare, we are always given “excess work load” particularly in Departments like Economics. Concerning the delay in graduating Postgraduate students in UNN, some colleagues have already stated some of the factors responsible for this. The factors include giving admission in batches without clear standards, admitting many weak students(we often disregard results of screening tests), poor welfare and motivation, excess workload, etc. Some people say that some universities like University of Ibadan and University of Lagos do Master’s degree programme in one year. This is not true. The minimum duration for a Master’s degree programme( full-time) is 18 months which usually stretch to at least 2 years. University of Ibadan apparently has the most organised Postgraduate programmes but you cannot finish a Master’s degree programme there now in less than two years. We should not compare UNN with University of Ibadan. University of Ibadan is by far more organised. For instance, University of Ibadan usually does everything humanly possible to admit only the best candidates for its Postgraduate programmes. In Economics Department at Ibadan, only graduates with First Class and Second Class Upper division are considered for admission and they go through highly competitive selection test; here, we often disregard our screening test and accept weak students. At Ibadan, many departments are top- heavy in terms of academic staffing; here, many of our departments are bottom-heavy. Given that big universities are said to be Postgraduate universities(with many Postgraduate students) and that Postgraduate studies are supposed to be handled by very senior academics(full Professors or at least Readers), it is expected that such big universities should have more of very senior academics. In Economics Department, University of Ibadan, there are at least 10 resident Full Professors and many Readers; but in Economics Department, UNN, there are only 2 resident Full Professors and 2 Readers. At University of Ibadan, academic staff are better motivated than academic staff in UNN. For example, a confirmed academic staff at Ibadan is entitled to sponsorship to attend at least one international conference in foreign country in every two years; but in UNN, conference sponsorship is not clearly defined. In fact, staff welfare at the University of Ibadan is evidently better. Various theories of motivation show clearly that the productivity of workers that are well motivated will be significantly higher than the productivity of workers that are not well motivated. It is often said that “to whom much is given, much is expected”. In the same vein, to whom little is given, little should be expected”. I dare to say that if we align with any disgruntled student to malign Dr. Jude O. Chukwu, that will be a clear example of demotivation and it will be a great disservice to humanity. Dr. Chukwu has worked extremely hard in the few months he has been the HOD; he successfully led the Department to get full accreditation from NUC, he successfully graduated undergraduate students despite the serious crisis that he inherited and he optimally managed the crisis. Let me end by saying that the triumph of falsehood over truth is only for a moment; the truth will surely conquer in the end. The Christian scriptures(popularly called the Holy Bible) put it admiringly thus: “The lip of truth shall be established for ever: but a lying tongue is but for a moment”. (Prov. 12:19; King James Version). On this note I rest my case. I pray the Almighty God to give us understanding in all thing. Uche M. Ozughalu.

  • Greetings!
    My attention has been drawn to an article written by a certain disgruntled former master’s student of Economics, UNN, entitled “Why You Should Not go to UNN Economics Dept. for your MSc Program.” Although we have the right to express our views, it is unfair to make sweeping statements. I will not sit back and allow someone to put a question mark on my degrees because I did BSc and MSc in the said department and institution. I think it makes sense to hear the views of a former student and current staff of the department. I will respond to some of the claims to the best of my knowledge with facts and figures.
    During my undergraduate and postgraduate days, seasoned academics taught me, some of whom are still there (Dr. S. I. Madueme, Dr. Jude O. Chukwu, Dr. Uchechukwu M. Uzughalu, Dr. Ukwueze Ezebuilo, Dr. Emmanuel Nwosu, and others). Dr. Jude O. Chukwu supervised my BSc project. It is worth mentioning that I was the second person to submit in the department out of over 200 students. The same Dr. Jude O. Chukwu supervised even the first student to submit. She later emerged as the best graduating student in my set and currently works with KPMG, while I was the second-best in 2010.
    As the writer of the article, I started a master’s program in Economics, UNN, immediately after the compulsory one-year national service (NYSC) in 2012, and by June 2014, I had finished. In all, I did my masters for 18 months (It was 12 months if you exclude six months of industrial action). Although some of my mates finished in two years, others completed it in three years. While Prof. C. C. Agu was the HOD during that period, Dr. Jude O. Chukwu was the PG seminar coordinator.
    In terms of quality, I hold my head high wherever I go. After my master’s, I was interviewed by the Centre for the Studies of the Economies of Africa (CSEA), a research think tank in Abuja for a post of research associate alongside graduates of the University of Ibadan, University of Benin, foreign Universities, among others. In the end, I was successful with two other UI graduates. I worked for barely three months when UNN offered me an appointment. Competition with graduates from different universities has not stopped. In 2017, I competed for 1 of 25 University of Exeter International Excellence Ph.D. scholarships – a Russell group university. Fortunately, I was the only African awarded. Still, I am working very hard at Exeter to God’s glory.
    As per my experience as a staff of the Department of Economics, UNN, Dr. Jude O. Chukwu was still the PG seminar coordinator before I traveled. On a few occasions, I remember that we slept over in the department, getting either M.Sc or Ph.D. seminar stuffs ready to ensure smooth progression. Some colleagues who have worked under him can validate this experience. We made some notable changes to how seminars and workshops were conducted in the department. Prof S. I. Mdueme (the former HOD) can attest to this. Aside from being the PG seminar coordinator, Dr. Jude O. Chukwu oversaw securing accommodation for our guests, including external examiners. That meant going to and from CEC (the university of Nigeria’s guest house). He carried out that task for many years before I was appointed by Prof S. I. Madueme to take over from him.
    The assertion that Dr. Chukwu’s supervisor delayed his Ph.D. is incorrect and a misguided vent of aggression. Prof F. E. Onah was practically begging him to complete his Ph.D. However, I am aware of three factors that delayed him. First, data problems. Second, his determination to do rigorous research, which eventually led to his traveling to Brazil. Finally, the excess workload in the university. Many of you can nod your head in agreement because we all experience it.
    I will close by submitting that, lots have happened in the department in my absence. For instance, a friend who started his M.Sc in the department the same year with the disappointed writer but had long finished his program told me that he is yet to get his certificate. He complained about a new rule which the PG school made that adds to the bureaucracy. I do not know about it, but I think the process needs to be simplified so that students can graduate in record time.
    May I end it here!
    Eleanya Nduka


    It is no longer a thing of surprise or shock to establish that most mischief makers live and thrive in misinformation and lies inorder to actualise or sustain their nefarious ambition. For some days now, the social media has been flooded with write ups by unscrupulous elements solely aimed at defaming the character of the present HOD of economics, UNN in the person of Dr Jude Chukwu. I wish to reiterate once again that the information disclosed in those write ups are not only false, but baseless, fallacious and maliciously intended. A known fact which is not far from the truth is that mischief makers masquerading as concerned students, former msc student and the likes, whose illicit activities were exposed and cut short were the scenes behind these laughable movies which sole aim is to truncate and debilitate the transformation agenda and efforts of the present HOD. I wish to point at this juncture that lam an active insider in the department and fully aware of most events unfolding in the department. Besides, I had my first degree, second and third degree in the department spanning for three dacades from the period I was an undergraduate. My following submissions therefore is a descriptive narrative of the departmental modus operandi as well as efforts at putting the records straight. As a matter of fact, the present HOD has been in the fore- front of entrenching discipline, justice, fairness, accountability and transparency in the department even before his ascendance to the present position. Dr Jude Chukwu is good mannered, a man of justice, high moral values and an epitome of humility. He is also an astute administrator and an erudite scholar with numerous academic excellence. Those who were opportuned to interact with him could attest to his other numerous examplary charisma. In the area of departmental PG seminar coordination, his administration stopped the fees normally charged to PG students for sending out work for external examinations. He also cancelled the elaborate entertainment expenses subjected to PG students during PG seminars. He was able to break and dismantle the departmental cabal that regularly threatens PG students .The cabal is so powerful that PG students are issued with threats to settle the cabal if such students want progress in their PG program. It was indeed a booming oil business for the cabal. I wish to state that I am one of the victims of the cabal which deployed all manner of tactics, which included anonymous bulk SMS threats, to frustrate my PHd programme. It was this present HOD( Dr. Jude Chukwu) who came to my rescue when he was still the PG seminar Chairman. He encouraged and stood by me and frustrated the efforts of the cabal to enable me complete my PHD programme. He also assisted other numerous PG students with similar experiences. On the issue of undergraduate students welfare, he brought sanity in the operations of
    the present Nigerian Economics Students Association (NESA) executives by entrenching accountability and transparency. It was no longer business as usual whereby undergraduate students are charged arbitrary levies only to be squandered by the executives in collaboration with some lecturers of the department. The HOD operates an open door policy and is accessible to students. On departmental progress, the administration gave a face-lift to the departmental building, accomplished a successful NUC accreditation in 2019 as well as graduated a significant number of final year students, despite the huge falsification/ alterations of undergraduate results he inherited. On overall academic activities, courses are now allocated based on areas of specialisation, wealth of experience and hierarchy. It is no longer news that project supervisors, course lecturers as well as non academic staff of the department now thread with caution in discharging their duties, bearing in mind that any factual allegation against them will be met with decisive action. I can go on and on to mention his laudable transformations in this short period of his tenure. Against this backdrop, it would be judicious to state that no mischievous element will like to associate with a man with such amiable and superlative qualities. The mischievous elements who engage in nefarious activities and whose source of ” oil business” were stopped due to his appointment would leave no stone unturned to fight back. They should be alerted they they are defaming the character of a law abiding citizen of Nigeria.Nevertheless, the holy Bible made it clear” Wise men will gain an honourable reputation but stupid men will only add to their disgrace” (Proverb 3:35). Let us be properly guided in our actions and decisions. Dr Nnaji Chibueze.

    I want to share a personal experience with you while doing my postgraduate programme (MSC) in economics department University of Nigeria. We are three friends while in my undergraduate, graduated and finished our Youth Service Corp in 2016. We decided to enroll for our master immediately. I enrolled for mine in UNN economics department, my friend, Kunle enrolled in Unilag, While Kingsley enrolled in University of Ibadan.
    Notice, three of us graduated with cumulative GP of above 4.0 and can boast of being above average student. The three of us gained admission in 2017 academic calendar to our respective choice universities to do our Master programme in economics. However, we are not all truly fortunate, fate and different circumstances separated us.
    Kunle finished his MSc in economic within one year in Unilag, by end of 2018, he has finished his thesis and by early 2019 has received his certificate of MSc. Kingsley equally finished his MSc in 2018 and by mid-2019, his certificate is ready.
    My experience, I wrote UNN postgraduate exam and I scored 76 and was admitted. I accepted the offer by paying my acceptance fee, but little did I know I made my worst mistake in academics when I accepted the offer. It took the department of economics six months to start lecture after other departments have started receiving lecture.
    I taught that I have seen it all, little did I know that there are lecturers that see themselves as gods that no one questions their action or inactions. One of such lecturers is the PG coordinator who later became the HOD of the economics department. In my entire life I have never seen anyone so arrogant, mannerless, and so unprofessional. He is rude, cruel, and not qualified to be in academic not to talk of being a PG coordinator or even HOD where thing is normal without godfatherism.
    Our issue started when one of the students reported the department to PG school about the inconsistency of the lecturers and lackadaisical attitude towards lecture timetable. He came to class and chase the guy that reported the department to the PG school out of exam hall, shouting and screaming that not even the university authority can question him. He was literally mad that if you are not emotionally strong you will forget all you have red before the exam.
    What Amazed me is that the said Dr chased the guy out of the exam hall simply because he wrote letter to PG school complaining of the lecturers not keeping to time table and fixing lectures randomly, yet, nothing was done by the university to remedy the situation after several complains. THE GUY LOST HIS ADMISSION AND THE FEES HE HAS ALREADY PAYED SIMPLY BECAUSE HE COMPLAINED.
    Economic department in UNN is so disjointed, disorganized, and lack process worse than the poorest state university in Nigeria. All these issues happened when Dr is the PG coordinator and the worst happened in 2019 when he was made the HOD of the department.
    Prior to him being the HOD, the department postgraduate programme was crawling and shaking but when he was appointed the HOD by his cronies (fellow perpetrators) the worst happened. Everything in the department was halted and put on a stand still. As at the time of making this post not even a single person has presented their thesis proposal in my set.
    What blew my mind that finally prompt me to make this information public as a warning to those that is considering UNN economic department for their postgraduate is my investigation into 2016 postgraduate academic set – those before us. My investigation reveals that;
    1. Immediately after the Dr became the HOD the department only had two MSc Seminal proposal and no body have graduated or finished their MSc under the watch of Dr Jude including his supervisee.
    2. Only one of all the supervisee under him in 2015 (FIVE YEARS OF DOING MASTER) set have proposed and graduated and NONE of his supervisee in 2016 (FOUR YEARS OF DOING MASTER AND NONE OF THEM HAVE GRADUATED AND NONE HAS PROSPECT OF GRADUATING SOON) set have proposed and graduated. What shocked me is that my investigation into the academic records of his supervisee in both 2015 and 2016 set revealed that majority of his supervisee are above average and ideally should have finished their thesis. In particular, he is the only person who NONE of his supervisee have graduated or finished his/her thesis from 2015 and 2016 set despite the academic record of the supervisees showing they are above average except one.
    3. I discovered that those students who have graduated from the department are those whose supervisors are willing to tussle it out with him and ensure their supervisee are released but that changed anyway since he became the ALMIGHTY HOD.
    4. I discovered that the Dr made a covenant that he will frustrate all his supervisee and all PG students because he was delayed by his own supervisor while he was doing his PhD programmes.
    5. I discovered that it would take the fastest student with good supervisor (from 2017 academic calendar) till end of 2021 (5 years) to finish their MSc in UNN going by trend of things. I discovered also that it will eventually take some till 2024 (8 years) to finish their MSc in UNN especially those he is supervising.
    6. For me I have enrolled for another MSc in Unilag since 2020 and am confident I will obtain my MSc before the fastest person in UNN 2017 set. WHAT AN ACADEMIC SHAME. I believe ASUU and the PG school should be ashamed of themselves because these are part of the things they should be checkmating to protect the students and their image.
    a. I interviewed 20 persons doing their MSc currently in UNN from both 2016 and 2017 academic session and all the 20 persons regretted enrolling for their MSc in UNN.
    b. The said Dr is still the HOD and PG coordinator even after one year of being appointed as the HOD he is still the PG coordinator (both HOD and PG coordinator you can go and verify).
    c. The worst that can happen to you is that he is assigned to be your supervisor. If you find yourself in such position, you will be a FOOL after this warning to go ahead and accept the offer. You will have yourself to blame.
    d. More than 50 percent of the lecturers in UNN are not dedicated to their work and don’t respect time. They are simply not cultured at all and feel like they are gods. Yes, few of them are good and sound but they are simply not CULTURED.
    e. The management of PG school in UNN don’t care about student complains. In fact, the management are aware of what is happening in UNN and have failed to do anything about it. We have recordings and videos of where the Dr is ranting and threatening students with brimstone and fire and the management failed to act.
    f. UNN economics department are not in any way better than those other fast universities like Unilag, UI, ABU, UNIBEN, Uniport among others. They are only living in past glory. If you doubt any information here go and investigate the information released here, I challenge the authority to investigate the claims in this article.
    I also challenge CBN not to continue using economics department UNN as extension for their postgraduate economics programmes. They can use other universities in the East. I challenge Central Bank of Nigeria to investigate the issue also.

  • Sir/ ma when is this year screening for faculty of Arts.

  • Please iv not yet received any message regarding the screening excersise, will i still be able to sit for the test on 19th of July without the message?

    • Author

      Try and send an email to the school ICT dept through the university website to check if you are eligible to write the screening.

    • YES!

      You can write the exam. Many candidates usually don’t receive Sms or email. Take a look at the timetable, go on your date and at least an hour before the exam time.


  • Sir, i was just informed that my school has not sent my transcript till now, and it has passed the dead line for submission, can i still submit and go ahead to sit for the screening exams coming up on the 19th of July 2019. please i need your quick response sir. thanks

    • Author

      Yes, you can. UNN accepts transcripts till admission list.

      • Please I need your number. Does UNN accept HND environmental health for PGD in pharmacy or medical laboratory??

      • I scored 33.29 at the just concluded pg cbt exams foe 2020/2021 session am i eligible for pg admission?

  • Sir, i was just informed that my school has not sent my transcript till now, and it has passed the dead line for submission, can i still submit and go ahead to sit for the screening exams coming up on the 19th of July 2019. please i need your quick response sir. thanks

    • Deadline for Transcript Submission hasn’t passed. You can still Submit at both UNN and UNEC Campuses, depending on your Faculty.

  • please i have not gotten an email about the upcoming PG screening exam. what could be the problem?

    • thesame thing. I ‘ve neither receive an email nor a SMS frm UNN

    • Amaka and Ejibe,

      Go for the exam. Notification doesn’t matter. It is an oversight and many are usually misled.

      Go write your exam. Goodluck.

  • OMG! I just checked the school portal only for me to find out that the CBT for 2018 has been scheduled and also been written. And I was waiting for an SMS notification or sort. Unfortunately, I missed the test. Please is there another batch for the test or even a possible solution to that? Please can someone help with a positive response, I will really appreciate.

  • pls can any1 help me with past question for Geology/Geophysics …. email is:onyebuchionyeabor@gmail.com.. or a sample?

  • Sir I’ve not gotten any invitation for their screening exercise SPGS for year 2018/2019 ,I apply for public health,and my course is not among d listed,sir pls help me out.tanx

  • Good day sir,I learn that computer base screening exercise is scheduled for 31 August for year 2018/2019 SPGS ,sir I did not receive an invitation for that and among the courses listed there my course is not among which is institute of public health.please siri want to get it clear.tanx.

  • Please any one with current sample of the PG past question, I just applied for the master degree in maritime management. Please kindly inbox me with such questions(idimaandrew@yahoo.com). Thanks

  • Pls when will the result be out

  • I was expecting an sms from the pg screen exams but that was not the case. Please, is there anyway we can still write the test. The sms we got earlier regarding the postponement said we will be notified on the next date. PG please do something.

  • please when will the results be released?

  • tnk u Mr Eze…

  • Pls hope it’s only the registration print out that we are to present? Is our credentials required?

  • kindly be informed that the SPGS Screening Exam is scheduled to hold from Wednesday 23rd to Friday 25th August, 2017. Kindly check the website for further details.
    This was the SMS I got. It clearly stated from Wednesday to Friday. So if this is what was generally dispatched I wonder why some people would miss their exam. The SMS didn’t change the Timetable.

  • Thank you so much @ Mr. Eze. At least I have confidence coming down from Lagos.

  • pls is the exam via the course one wants to study? I need to know pls,as I changed discipline, help me someone???

  • Ow was the exam, for those that have written?

    • Hello, please can i have a sample of the past questions for social sciences? pls help. @ubongisaac58@gmail.com

  • Those that wrote today shuld please tell us , how it went

  • Pls update us you that are writing today

  • Honesty I see this as wickedness, m suppose to write today BT the text msg says 24thw now I heard nothing has changed in the timetable…..when will I get to nsukka let alone write the exam. The management should see to it that they don’t misinform people

  • Please I will enjoy those writing today should plz update us to strengthen our courage, venue and the methodology applied,,, thanks real alert

  • Please am making a passionate appeal that the exam if it’s holding should make provision for supplementary exam as many of outside the state and with the ASUU strike and sympathy strike by NASU it sure do calls for a critical rethink.
    Best of luck to all who are able to make it. Best wishes

  • @Gboyega. , is applicable to me same Engineering faculty. the send me sms exam 23rd Wed. .while online here says 25th Fri. send me ur phone number lets communicate.

  • PLease house, they too send me sms that my axam is on 24th instead of 25th that is on time table, I don’t know which one to follow. please some one that know what I should do should help me

  • I have not gotten any message from the school ,pls how can i apply for the screening exercise?

  • Pls is the application still on and can someone apply for the form?

  • If u registered report for the exams. Your number may have been ommited

  • Pls I got message when they said the exam was shifted to august on that 28th of july.but now that is august I did not get any message, pls is it that am not among those taking the exams
    .I need help cause am confuse right now.

  • I got a text message from the school.

  • Text messages are coming in from the school. Please any body writing tomorrow should endeavor to report back here.

    • Pls, when are you meant to write, and when did your sms carry? The sms I got indicate tomorrow wed 23rd, but my faculty of engineering carries Fri 25th on the website. I became confused if I should go tomorrow or wait till Friday. Would love to compare information. Thanks

      • I got the same message and my faculty is Friday as well. I called the tenace call centre. You are to follow the time table. The message was an error it was meant to address that the exams begins tomorrow as scheduled

  • Am coming from the north.. I am counting on you guys writing on the 23rd to confirm its authenticity… Good luck to us all..

  • Last month I went for the screening test from Lagos only to hear of the change of dates.
    Now ASSU strike. Pls those to write on 23rd should let us know before journeying to UNN.
    From UNN.edu.ng, the venue is NEW NNAMDI AZIKIWE LIBRARY, UNN.

  • Pls for those of us that applied for mph under the medical science faculty d tym table is a little bit confusing (to me though) . from the tym table there is institute of public health… Is that one for us?

  • Where is d exam venue; and any pre-verification before d test commencement?

  • I hope the strike doesn’t affect the exam because it will be a blow to us coming from outside nsukka

    • The summary form D3 is a blank form. How do I do it, to fill the form or what?. Please I need help. I am 19/20 set.

  • Kindly visit the UNN official web site: unn.edu.ng to get first hand information and latest update concerning the screening exercise

  • I applied too
    And from d time table, Education is on 25th being Friday.
    Waiting till den.

  • i doubt if the exam will still hold. nasu are on strike

  • called the pg school office staff and she confirmed its gona hold as scheduled



  • I spoke with the ICT unit/agency this morning using the registration helpline. the agent that spoke with me said that no changes have been made on the scheduled exam, therefore the exam still holds on the said date. but I should keep checking the portal until the end of today.

  • As at this morning the PG school admission officer said through a lecturer I know that the exam will stil hold despite the strike. I’m stil sceptical though but I’m already on my way because I’m coming from far north. Their not communicating to us officially is so unprofessional and unfair how then can they expect the government to be fair to them

  • Admin pls answer the questions you think you can answer. Don’t keep quiet. I dnt want to ask because someone has asked my question alredy and I’m waiting for you to answer. Pls answer questions. It’s not good you jst keep quiet… You are the reason for this grp and questions too. Thanks


  • Please is this for Masters programme?

  • I’m afraid that this ASUU strike may affect this exercise


  • am so confused please is the screening form out

  • i’m for arts and humanities,pls we ought to be preinformed all the time.

  • I equally need the question on mathematics education

  • I wish the asuu
    strike will not affect the scheduled date. Is there any science educator who specializes in mathematics education in the house pls

  • I hope this strike won’t affect this exam, please.

  • With this asuu strike, is the postgraduate CBT still going hold on 23rd – 25th of August?


  • Dear Admin, if the exams format has been changed in recent years. Won’t it be right to put up the past questions from the year before or even clarify us on topics to be expecting rather than preparing a system that could baffle candidates on exam day. Kind Regards.

  • Admin, is the msc form still in sale? Urgent reply please. Thanks

  • Terrible in deed, no foot note for venue and direction even with the fact that there are different courses in different campuses. I think the venue will be in ICT Centre. I don’t know why we like suffering and making things harder when it is not.

  • plssss how much is d form nd when is d closing date

  • Hello, Please, how is the application process done?

  • I really don’t know what to read please,as I changed discipline. so confused,I need help Biko.

  • I need post graduate past questions. Science Education.

  • Are we all submitting or documents at Nssuka. My own Dept is Community medicine (mph) based in Enugu.

  • admin what’s the exam based on

  • where is the venue for the exam

  • Am in chemistry too

  • please anyone writting under social sciences??

  • Please SMSs shld be sent to us concerning the screening. The date,time and places should be sent written in the SMS.

  • please when is Education scheduled to hold their own texts and time please

  • Pls Admin., VENUE is needed, anybody in STATISTICS here?

  • what of faculty of Edution.

    • Please has any date been fixed for 2020/2021 UNN M.Sc. selection test?

      Please someone should help me with any latest information on this. Thanks

  • This information is not explicit. How about those in Faculty of Education?

  • JBoy am in Chemistry

  • Plz when z d screening date for direct entry students? And plz I’ll also like 2 no if we’re also getting d soul direct entry form?
    If we’re, z dey any possibility of me getting it online?

  • Please what is the Date and Time for the Day 1, it was not stated in the Time table? Am asking with regards to Business Administration faculty. Thank you

  • Please any body in chemistry here?

  • Please do I know that my transcript has been sent to where it is needed?

  • please wen is unn screening scheduled to take place, i seriously dont want to miss any information

  • so it means that application for admission is still on?

  • my name is okoye sunday christian and am from enugu state so that is my better reason for wanting to attend unn school that has been my dream

  • Is the date for submission of transcript extended too? Please I want to know

  • k….thanks

  • I thought we were to be contacted via SMS. I wasn’t contacted.

    • I thought so too and I wasn’t. This is not good enough as I am just learning about the dates. Any idea about the venue for the test?

    • I didnt get the sms for the July schedule but got one this afternoon for tomorrow’s screening exercise. Unfortunately I will not be able to attend due to circumstances beyond my control. Do you know if its possible to reschedule or defer the screening for me?


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