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Catholic Bishop To Collaborate With UNN Institute of African Studies

The Catholic Bishop of Nsukka Diocese Most Rev. Prof Godfrey Igwebuike Onah has pledged to collaborate with the Institute of African Studies University of Nigeria, Nsukka to support Programmes developed by the Institute.

Catholic Bishop of Nsukka Diocese Most Rev. Prof Godfrey Igwebuike Onah

Speaking at the Vice-Chancellor’s Conference Room, the Bishop commended Prof. Ozumba’s Administration with a pledge to support and promote the Institute in their research work and innovative programmes globally.
Also, He stressed that without the cooperation of the Church the UNN motto which is ”To Restore the Dignity of Man” cannot be attainable.
More so, He emphasized that the Catholic Church has extended her hand of support to the University by sending their priests to study in UNN not just to acquire knowledge but to also transfer religious values to their classmates and Lecturers.
In his remark, The Vice-Chancellor University of Nigeria, Nsukka, Prof. Benjamin Chukwuma Ozumba expressed that it is a day of significant ecstasy to have the presence of the Catholic Bishop of Nsukka in the University Community.
Furthermore, He explained that since the University of Nigeria opened their Intellectual doors to the Public, the different tiers of the University have combined their effort to develop high standard academic programmes that would serve the needs of both students and the Local Community.
Prof. Ozumba also, mentioned that the University stands for excellence, hence confers degrees on students who are found worthy in character and learning.
He stressed that good morals is key to success. ”We try through various means to inculcate in our students the fact that Education is not merely an economic investment or a means of escape from poverty, but an avenue that would prepare them for the task of rendering honest values to the country”, he said.
More so, The Dean, Institute of African Studies Prof. Emeka Nwabueze, appreciated Prof. Ozumba’s leadership. He gave a historic invention of the University from its inception to -date, stating that a Benjamin (Dr. Nnamdi Benjamin Azikiwe) established UNN and a Benjamin is now on the helm of affairs.
Prof. Nwabueze expressed gratitude on behalf of staff and students of his Institute with a guarantee that the Institute will not demean the opportunity of working with the Catholic Bishop and the Church.
To cap up the event, Most Rev Prof. Godfrey Onah on behalf of his crew presented the Vice-Chancellor Prof. Benjamin Ozumba with a gift of the Catholic Holy Bible.

Choice Alika.

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