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Important Info To All PG Students on School Fees & Time Table of Events

Important Info To All PG Students on School Fees & Time Table of Events



To all Post Graduate Students

Please be informed that the new Post Graduate fees and Time Table of events will be on the website within the next one week.
Any inconveniences are hereby regretted.


Source: University of Nigeria, Nsukka official website; www.unn.edu.ng.

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Comments (313)

  • pls i live in cameroon and wish to come over to the UNN to undertake a phd programme.i wish to know whether the forms are on sale.if not,could some body pls tell me when they will start selling the forms.

  • please when will the pgd forms for 2015/2016 be out.

  • For those In Anatomy Dept .Unec. Pg orientation has been slated for Thursday 12th..by 10am @ d dept.. attendance is mandatory…

  • I salute everyone here. Can someone pls update me on when unn would start selling their MSc form this year (2015). I also want to know if they have pharmacognosy and the school fees. wish you goodday, while awaiting ur response.

  • Those busy body, rushing to pay thier schoo fees shouldnt ask anybody for advice on what to do tomorrow o. There are still problems to be resolved

  • pls house i have a problem. i have paid for my acceptance fee and have generated invoice for school fees but my problem is that on the column for fee type, under academic is giving me an amount of 112,177 as school fees and under professional is giving me 120,698 as school fee but i don’t know the one to pay for weather academic or professional.

    • Hw did you get payee ID b4 you paid acceptance fee? i could’nt pay acceptance fee bcos of that. help me pls

    • Ify, it is wiser to pay the one u had chosen while generating ur invoice for acceptance.Pls house, i’ve not paid my skul fee yet and other registrations. i’m particularly worried about the close of late reg. on the 26th of Jan as stated in the time table. what is the risk coming down to do the other regs havin paid the acceptance by the END OF THE MONTH? som1 pls answer meoooo!ASAP

  • Pls house notify us if the portal starts going cos I tried paying school fees today but to no avail. So pls anybody available on succesfull payments should let us know.

    • the portal has been going even as am talking to you am jst printing someones school fees invoice for him. go to unn home page by typing http://www.unn.edu.ng. Then on the right hand side of ur screen you will see column for STUDENTS then click on UNN PORTAL, then click on POST-GRADUATE PORTAL, click on GENERATE INVOICE and then enter ur 6 digit number. It will bring out ur details, fill it properly and then click on GENERATE

  • Those who have paid the acceptance fee should help me on the procedures particularly on how to get payee ID. Thanks

  • Are u sure u printed your invoice from d schl portal – unnportal.unn.edu.ng
    If yes, try fidelity bank

  • I could not pay acceptance fee bcos bank requested ID or pin code of which i gave my application num, but it didn’t work. is there other ID OR CODE? help pls

  • No headway still with payment of school fees as at today, there is conflict as per the amount to be paid at the bank. N120,700 OR N142,000. The banks need clarifications. I hope they will not ask us to pay for late registration after all these delays. We are set but they are not, so deadline must be removed.
    Thanks and God Bless you all

    • bank requested 4 ID or code number b4 i could pay acceptance fee, i used my application num but was rejected. hw can i get this ID? i need help pls

    • am even tired and confuse of d whole tin,dey said lectures begins frm 12th and dt late reg frm 19th,and stil am unable 2 pay 4 acceptance and skul fee.pls somene shld advice me.

      • Lectures are not starting tomorrow. Don’t be confused cos I’ve not paid for any. Relax as pg is a matured program and you meet to fix lectures at ur own convenient tym. New sch fees is not yet out. You can go pay for acceptance this week. I did my M.Ed there n still got admsn for PHD. Bt will b in sch tomorrow.

        • @munachi How much is accommodation fee and how many people per room? please is the PG hostel good ? I’m waiting for your response.Thanks

          • The hostel fee was abt 34000 last year but I don’t know if it will be increased. 3 persons in a room with a toilet and bathroom. Its very ok.

        • tanx 2 u @ munac.i went 2 skul 2day and i was unable 2 pay for d acceptnce fee,diamond bnk said d portal is close for nw and acess bnk request 4 d invoice wic i went 2 d cafe 2 print bt dey said d portal is block nw,dat i shld check bak som order tym. It was’nt easy 4 me cumin frm kogi and goin bak considerin d road stress witout achievin my aim.

          • I just paid my acceptance at first bank and printed out my admission letter beside the bank at Unn. Y
            It has started going. Call me if u re still confused. 08035387021

        • I went to school today and have collected a copy of the time table for lectures which was assumed to have started on monday. But i will go to school tomorrow by 3pm according to the time in my time table to know if lectures will actually hold.

  • Hello, Please, I want to register for Msc in political science this year in UNN. I would like to know the fees, requirements, and when the forms will be out(price of forms as well) pls u cn send such details to my phone no 08064452333, or charlesobi13@ymail.com. I wld sincerly appreciate that person with recharge card. Thank u.

    • charles please go to website and check the time table .the commencement date for the sale of pg form is there,the fees have not been decided for now.the online notice said till next week

  • Who has paid the school fees? Is anyone in school nw?

  • didee pls can i have your mobile number? i need to call for certain verification please. thanks in anticipation.

  • For those that have not paid the acceptance fee, this was Posted earlier by Didee on
    Dec 07. 2014 folow dis step 2print or view d new acceptance & sch fee invoice. Login 2 unn.edu.ng navigate to mid extreme right hand corner & click on unn portal. It opens up all unn portal den u loggon to d postgraduate portal. Insert ur 6 digits numba and folow d steps to print ur respective invoice.

  • Who is in school already……Any update?

  • Pls hw can I pay my acceptance fee, whr can I generate d acceptance payment invoice? Smbody help!

    • Posted earlier by Didee on
      Dec 07. 2014 folow dis step 2print or view d new acceptance & sch fee invoice. Login 2 unn.edu.ng navigate to mid extreme right hand corner & click on unn portal. It opens up all unn portal den u loggon to d postgraduate portal. Insert ur 6 digits numba and folow d steps to print ur respective invoice.

  • Please, Is the acceptance fee going through now, has anyone paid as at this year. Whats the website for generating the acceptance fee invoice. Thanks and happy new year.

  • pls chichi, where did you do all ur registration, is it inside scul or… pls help me wit info, i hav not done any.

    • @EE I don’t think any one has paid yet. I haven’t paid either I am waiting for the 20% reduction. I hope the house is waiting too.

  • hey, pg students, 2015 is finally here! what are we to do

    • We are waiting. We are still asking for downward review of pg school fees. We are pleading; VC and Senate, please help us. Dean, we need your cooperation. Minus 20% again.

  • i went to pay for my acceptance fee but the bank is saying the reference number on my payment invoice could not be captured. that means its not valid. i dont know how to go about getting a new one. please help

  • hey guys…compliment of the season, when are we Resuming pls, am bored @ home

    • @Didee and @Selyne, please I can’t
      generate an invoice for my school fees. I
      keep getting this response ‘the school
      fees setup for your category in this
      session (2014-2015) has not been
      assigned’. I have paid my acceptance fee.
      though there was an error as regards
      Masters professional and Masters
      academics where I selected professional
      instead of academics. But my admission
      letter which I have printed bears the
      correct details of my application
      indicating MSc which is under Masters
      academic. Could the response I get when
      trying to generate my invoice be as a
      result of the error or is that a general
      response. I need responses pls and
      solutions. Thanks and merry Xmas to u

      • please there is no confusion about the professional and academic degree there. e.g if you are going for Doctorate, professional means those who are on the medical line while academic refers to other disciplines.thanks

  • Pls can somone kindly tell me why I still haven’t been able to confirm my acceptance fee since October? I’m just upset and fed up with this drama. Ive been to unn because of this and nobody was polite enough to even look into this problem…have I wasted my 25k or what? If the school won’t take care of this problem I will be glad to accept a refund and re apply somewhere else pls.

  • pls how possible is it to switch to part time?

    • I just printed my admission letter and i don’t know next step to take, please anybody that knows should tell me. Thanks.

  • can some1 whose name was in d primary list pay 4 acceptance fee in this new platform?

  • had anyone recently paid acceptance fee? and which bank? Please i need URGENT REPLY before it expires

  • Who has paid the school fees oooo

    • The house in its resilience is calm, seems we are on the Xmas break already. Compliments of the season to all. Though no one has paid yet I suppose?.
      Please Mr VC Kindly oblige the Postgraduate Students their keen request for review downwards of the Fees sir, the Nigerian Economy is dwindling and has affected all sectors.

  • @Tecee, thesame thing happen to me, pls. any development?

  • pls i need help. i have been trying to generate payment invoice but wch one is payment confirmation pin and invoice number. your prompt reply is highly appreciated

  • Msc programme is usually form 1 year to 3 years depending on student’s ability, department and supervisor. I hope this answers you question?

  • pls i went to pay the acceptance fee with the invoice number generated from the website but i was told that the number is invalid. how do i solve this problem?? for those who have paid the acceptance fee, how did u do it?

  • pls how do i generate invoice? how do i get the PG number in that generate invoice window.

  • Please the school fee is still very high. Why are they trying to exploit us, the pg students? A federal university! VC, this is not fare.!

  • Thanks@selyne. But two years is too much now!

  • hello@didee. i went to pay for my acceptance fee but the bank is saying the reference number on my payment invoice could not be captured. that means its not valid. i dont know how to go about getting a new one. please help.

  • How many years does it take for msc Academics to round up, that is without any issues. Am hearing two years while the infos at net is saying 12months at stretch, which is a year duration.

    • From those that finished M.sc, You can round off M.sc. in 1yr n some months if you start n complete thesis on time @ whom it may concern

      • tonytonero please make budget to pay for two year school fees,even if you finish in one year,you must pay two years school fees,if you like calculate from now till next year .I just finished my masters and goT admission for phd.no one pays one year school fees in UNN. we had the experience, even those in pg school have no explanation to this.if you finish in two years,be ready to pay for three years unless you finish like five month before the next calender year.its complicated anyway but they trickishly made it for everyone to pay for extra year whether you like it or not.UNN logistics will make you pay for another year

  • @didee pls help clarify this issue about d payment. Which Msc prog is Academics and which one is professional.

    • @biodun courses like MPA,MBA,MPH and DPA are all regarded as Professional Masters programme while MSc MA, MLS, M.ed are Academic programmes.

      • @selyn thanks a lot.

      • @Didee and @Selyne, please I can’t generate an invoice for my school fees. I keep getting this response ‘the school fees setup for your category in this session (2014-2015) has not been assigned’. I have paid my acceptance fee. though there was an error as regards Masters professional and Masters academics where I selected professional instead of academics. But my admission letter which I have printed bears the correct details of my application indicating MSc which is under Masters academic. Could the response I get when trying to generate my invoice be as a result of the error or is that a general response. I need responses pls and solutions. Thanks and merry Xmas to u all.

  • @selyne how many years is the M.sc program @ unn? please I need to understand this.

    • I think the MSc programme is. Slated for only 2 years except where the student has. Deficiency in course work or theses may spend extra years it depends on you trying to measure up fast within the. 2years.

  • Most of us (pg student) r not working, whch is due 2 d corruption in dis country. our leaders r looting money evry day while d poor masses r been task 2 death 2 pay huge sum of money 4 skl fees. We (pg student) knw hw we struggle 2 eat in skl, now d fee hz been increase. The skl authority want us 2 die? Let all pg student come out n protest against dis abnormality. It is either dey reverse d fee bck 2 normal or serious war will break out.

  • let all pg students come out in mass n seriously protest against dis increment in skl fees. D skl authority must reverse d skl fees bck 2 normal. If d skl need money, dey should write 2 d federal govt.

  • @ didee, who told you that total reversal is impossible. It happened at lagos it can happen in enugu. Imagine a federal school paying such an amount of money, rivers state university pay 80k, imsu free some school at the south an west pay less than 80k and you telling us you dont see it possible. We all saw private universities and chose unn.

  • Dis is abnormality at d highest order! Hw can a whole federal university ”University of Nigeria” 4 dat matter be charging so high lyk dis compared 2 others? It is an error dat must be corrected. Let all pg student reject dis fee cause ones we accept it, next yr dey will still add again. Let us all come out n protest against dis till d fee is returned bck 2 normal. We no go greeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

  • @selyne, dat issue wud b handled by d ICT. Just lay ur complaints properly at d rite time. January i suggest.
    Recent development haz it dat d PG students rejected d new fee structure again and held anoda protest dis mornin askin d VC for total reversal back to d 70k fee structure. I am speechless at dis point bcos i dont see dat hapening. In anycase just chil til january. Tinz wud b sorted out by den.

  • for those who have paid acceptance fee reecntly and dose who wil b payin from tomro, pls login to ur profile using ur 6digits and pgunn as password. Fill d acceptance form wit ur confirmation order numba, ur invoce numba and ur 6 digits to comfirm payments. U can den print ur admision letter and make sch fee payments b4 acessing oda stuffs on ur profile. For dose who paid acceptance fee earlier on bt cudnt comfirm payments, pls login to ur profile and select d 2nd option, ie confirm payments again.

  • Tanx to u guys. I see ur thumbs up! God bless. Nw to mor pressing matter, YES! D sch fee has been reduced. Abt 125k. Stil high douh as i expected it to b in d 100k region. Bt its better dan d 147k. Go online and generate ur new fee invoice. I dont think d fees wil b reduced anymore. As for supplementary list, and timetable of event it wud b out soonest. Goodnite y’all

    • @didee good morning and thanks so much, but one more problem, I fall among those who paid earlier in October the old school rate of 69,000.00 what is our faith? how do I make up the payment by merging it to the current sum total. I am a returning student.

  • Dis na confirm strategy! We no go greeeeeeee!
    D amount is stil vry high. D protest must continue until it is totally reduced.

  • Didee,i appreciate ur information on dis medium.pls,gv us info on supplementary list.

    The skl fees has been reduced!

  • supplementary list pls

  • Some of the students that paid their acceptance fee have not been able to confirm their payments online. Why? I don’t want to encounter such problem ooooo! VC ,please reverse the increase in school fees. It is TOO MUCH!

    • Any news about pg supplementary list? Anybody that knows should tell us please.

    • The value of knowledge cannot be quantified! Nevertheless, the Dean and VC should attend to PG students’ demand.
      UNN is a reputable institution, expected to have a precise and outstanding information base between students and management. I expected the school to have published the academic calendar, atleast before I commence my program I should know the last date I have to spend in the school.
      School fees differences should have been made known even before school commences.
      We have a lot of factors to restructure in our administrative in this country.
      I plead with every concerned entity in the Academic setting to make reference to renowned schools abroad.
      Remember this is the UNIVERSITY OF NIGERIA, it should take the lead in virtually every sphere of academics transformation and innovation before others follow.
      Thank You!

    • i am highly disappointed in the conduct a reputable institution like UNN is displaying. How can an organisation made up of academicians, well learned minds, people that had gone far and wide in their academic pursuit, gain most of the social and academic exposure do tins in this manner? how could they make a change in school system (school fee) without the release of a proper detail information of the school calender? We are made to beliv that the university is a place where characters are molded and where leaders are built. But from the problems encountered right from the payment of acceptance fee to this scrupulous hike in school fee has put the university system in a pathetic situation. A situation where it is obvious that everytin about the system is wrong; noting seems right. With this kind of situation, how are we sure that “this university” will be able to mold characters and build future leaders the right way. Is not obvious that the objective of the university is dead? Sometin urgent and drastic has to be done to avert this menace in the our university system. my people, it is time for us to take back that which belong to us (our destiny). If we do not do sometin tangible today, we and our children will not only cry a river but cry an ocean tomorrow. …..Its so so painful, thats the truth. UNN VC ONE DAY U WILL DIE AND U WILL GIVE ACCOUNT TO GOD. PLZ REDUCE THE FEE, IS TOO MUCH. TANK U SIR

  • please, does anyone knw d deadline for payment of acceptance fee?

  • Hello! pls any news @Didee n co

  • hello house, i still cant verify my acceptance fee, paid since oct… has anyone done so? help out plssss

  • hello house, the house seems calm I hope our plight has not frizzled with the change of weather. Anyways, that was by the way. @didee we are counting on your information strictly. Pleasant week to all of us. United we stand.

  • @ Dide,is there still hope of admisn 4 someone dt made 16% in pg apt test

  • When are they releasing supplementary list any ideal pls

  • cant generate invoice for acceptance payment why pls-_

  • Didee, well done. I’m very happy for your information. pls. keep up informing us, God blues you.

  • Thank God…dats rily goodnews..let’s see what will happen@Didee

  • VC abeg reduce the school fee! Please is this school fee for the whole program? @Didee.

  • @I.N, u can pay ur acceptance fee. As for d sch fee i’ll advise y’all to halt payments as i can authoritatively tell y’all dat series of daily protest embarked upon by d PG students yielded positive news as d VC himself paid a visit to d PG hostel 2day and promised to adress d issue from nextweek. i hope dis is comforting enof. Gudnite y’all

  • Pls@ Didee can sm1 pay 4d accptance fee w? 4d sch fee I dnt hv such moni now. I hus saw 146700k 4my payments invoice its. We’ll. Pls reply.thanks.

  • Good evening all! Please, can someone in Nsukka tell us what’s happening now. Have they agreed to reduce the fees or not?

    • i’m better informed now having read about the protest offered in the daily post link. all along the info on the skul site had kept in the dark includin the info from my friends. we sincerely hope there will be a sharp redress in this satanic hike in fee.
      kip us posted on this friends

  • @tony sorry I meant we all have full loads of hopes for change in sch fee reduction urgently.

  • Good morning people. we have full load of HOPE for review downward.

  • ACTION speaks louder dan voice in many occasion. Wat will help us all now is ACTION. We need 2 cm out in mass n protest againts dis evil increment. We dont need talk: talk….we need ACTION. Let all pg student cm out 4 all day protest 2mw (12th).

  • This protest suppose 2 be evry day till d fee is reversed 2 normal. Let d skl authority knw we r serious. Let us come out in mass n fight 4 our right. We no go greeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ooo…..

  • OZUMBA that God just blessed is calling the less privileged fools. IF he dont take time God will punish him for that. From Adonia Hospital Achara Layout Enugu to UNN VC and He just raised the school fees because he can. OZumba Must GO

  • UNN VC AND DEAN PG SCHOOL HAVE GONE MAD AGAIN: Like their predecessors, their aim is to loot. VC AND DEAN, how much did you pay to go through your PGs? DEAN, are you honest to your creator that you have been running the PG school with your personal money? Our leaders have no shame when they lie publicly. Commrades, from the Dean’s reaction to the protest, it appears he is not ready to repent. Pressed on the demand. No deduction. Total reversal to the inhuman collossal fee hike. It is sad when Bear hugs prevail in PG schools. Maybe Uyo story should replay itself in Nsukka. INSENSITIVITY.

  • UNN VC AND DEAN PG SCHOOL HAVE GONE MAD AGAIN: Like their predecessors, their aim is to loot. VC AND DEAN, how much did you pay to go through your PGs? DEAN, are you honest to your creator that you have been running the PG school with your personal money? Our leader have no shame when they lie publicly. Commrades, from the Dean’s reaction to the protest, it appears he is not ready to repent. Pressed on the demand. No deduction. Total reversal to the inhuman collossal fee hike. It is sad when Bear hugs prevail in PG schools. Maybe Uyo story should replay itself in Nsukka. INSENSITIVITY.

  • @C.O, it seems like u n dat ur friends r not in dis world. Hw can u say u r not aware of d increment? Dnt u listen 2 news? Dnt u read newspaper? Dnt u hv a browsing phone? Well, in evry multitude thr must be a thomas.

  • it is saddened to read d comments of d dean of post graduate studies n nt b vexed.110% increment nor b child’s play.my simple questn is,witout subvention for pg d school was ran wit orderliness.y now should dey want to spoil d peace njoyed my d school? please Didee,any news on wen dey will update supplementary list?

  • Please read


    Those who went for the peaceful protest..thumbs up to you all..I pray and hope the management listens to our plight

  • Hello house, any way forward yet? will keep all fingers crossed because our plight needs urgent attention.

    • i still wonder about the authenticity of this info on fee increment. my friend who is also a prospective PG student but works in my dept and who knows much about the ongoings in skul said he is not aware of any increment in fee let alone protest. he said he can only say sometin if he hears any tin official. my colligs whu also graduated 4rm unn and PG students said thesame.who is Didee and how does he get his info.

      • @C.O. Apparently, u and ur “frends” are not well informed. no offence intended. its better not to knw who I am or hw I get my info. so lets leave it at dat. there wud always b a Thomas amongst d multitude.

      • MR CO go and print an invoice and you will see 171,700 Naira for school fees. they dun pay you abi, or just blind and deaf smh……..

  • @Sylne &co, same steps described by Didee on Dec 7 2014. If you follow the steps correctly u will be able to view and print your invoices. Your six digit numbers will be required to do that. Ignore the request for the last five digits, use the six digits.

  • Why is UNN doing all this…so after all the delay and disorganization exhibited by the school..mtcheeeew

    @didee nd co…well done..let’s hope they will change their mind

  • Hello Didee, pls wat z d outcome of 2days protest….am in Lagos.

  • @ASaga, watin didee do u? Didee hz been helping us wit updates n u r here talking rubbish. Didee carry On!

  • @Joy i love u for dat beautiful idea. I’m going to contact d few old students i know to find out their own feelings and actions concerning d new skul fee. If necessary i would make some recommendations across to them

  • OZUMBA MUST GO>>>>>>> OZUMBA MUST GO, He have forgotten where he comes from. @Didee you must stop to support evil or you will not be spared…..

    • Asaga, next time u wana comment, take tym to read b4 u drop rubbish here, u must not comment if u hav nothing important to say. and pls quote me well where I supported ur so called evil. I wil not tolerate any form of character assassination from u. u hv been warned. #mtcheeeeeeewwwwwww



  • We no go greeee o…….We no go greee. Let all pg student come out with one voice to protest against dis ill increment.

  • The Entire PG students have marched to d Dean of PG and VC’s office dis morning to protest the hyke in sch fees. lets hope d administration wil b reasonable enof to heed to dia demands. Goodmorning y’all

    • @didee we hope so. they should consider the hike is skyrocketed by above 100%. @ M.I. can you tell me the process you followed to get the invoice?

    • They are acting the same script used by their predecessors and Vcs of other scjools.I feel they purposely hiked the school fees as Stage 1.

      Stage 2 : PG Students protest the school fee hike.
      Stage 3 : New VC releases statement,he has heard the PG students plea.
      Stage 4 : Senate Meeting
      Stage 5 : New school fees 100k

      Now you will think they have us all a favour not knowing it was their plan all along.

      Why haven’t they made this public knowledge? Many people haven’t heard of this new school fees.They should release the time table of events and school fees.Let’s see what our fellow citizens will say about it.

  • @Otu, I think it will be more easier if d old student in skl starts d protest den we (d freshers) can come in and join them. Wat do u think?

  • professor ozumba goodevening sir.plz we are begging u in d name of GOD to reduce ds fees cos all hands are not equal.. we are quite aware dat u r trying to clear d debt and fraud commited by barto but increasing d fees by 100% is too much at least 10% is ok. may GOD reward u as u do so.

  • Don’t be decieved, that amount is per yr. The increment is both 4 old & new pg students. so don’t sit down n fold ur hands n assume dat d payment is 4 d whole program…… let us come out with one voice and resist dis abnormal increase.

  • @M.I you have made a point. I think that amount online is the whole payment for the programme at minimum schedule.

  • Let us not jump into conclusion at the sight of the school fee. I saw them myself and I have printed my fee invoices (acceptance fee and school fees) but I have not paid any of them. Let us find out if their policy of paying school fees each session has changed to that of paying once and for all for pg programs because the percentage increase is too much, about 100%.

  • pls was the solution to people who have paid the 76k… i tried to access other items but is just showing The page is currently not available…… any body wit help pls..

    • the info on increment of skull fee is the saddest thing i hav read about through out this week i just hop it is not true otherwise, they wud hav successfully frustrated most persons. i hav not paid my accpetance yet hop it is not late yet?on this fee; i dont just know….any info. on social sciences. some one pls help!

    • @Sammy I fall in the same shoes with you. what is our faith? those of us who paid earlier in October how do we rectify this problem?

  • My colleagues at imsu told me they are not to even pay acceptance not to talk of tution fee. If that is possible in a stste school how much more in a federal institution

  • With this shit, i think i have made choice of my leader, i cant continue with this, fellow nigerians, i am not a partisan, but task all of us to vote one who is competent.

  • ….It gets me wondering! Wot are we in for…could my choosing UNN be a mistake afterall? Things just getting harder by the day! From less than 80k to 100k plus is no childsplay, wots the reason for this increase and wot can we do my dear UNN and fellow PG aspirants? Any idea of the current skool fees for social sciences?

    • The skul fee could b a mistake since dey have not officially announced it. In my opinion, we should wait til it is published officially then we assemble ourselves at d campus to express disagreement.

  • please how can I check ma tuition fee ….unn portal requires 6digit form number and a password…… can someone tell the password….. or how much is civil Engineering/structural engineering mSc

    full- time paying

  • Thank God I haven’t wasted another 25k. I hv given up! Pls do u know any skul that still sales PG forms? I regretted the time i wasted waiting for the new VC to welcome us with this trash.

  • Let me understand this clearly cuz i haven’t paid the acceptance fee yet so i don’t have access to my school fee.

    Is this new school fees an embodiment of acceptance fee,school fee and Hostel fee abi na just school fee!

    If na school fee only yawa dun gas be that o. . .can’t believe i wasted seven months for this!

    Any Msc Econs Prospect here? What’s our school fees?

    • @e don happen: The school fees for MSc Economics(professional) is #161,000. I don’t know the amount for MSc Economics(academic).

      • @Jennyjay
        I havent heard of Msc Economics (Professional).I’m not talking about MBA here but Masters in Economics (M.sc Economics).

        Is that wht you choose? M.sc Economics(professional) . . .kinda new to me

  • @Linda: Go to ICT center in sch and complain. It wil b redressed within a short time.

    • @Didee do you know whether those of us that rushed to pay school fees of 76k will be listened to?

      • as for that, i dunno. Bt u can always channel ur complaints properly to the rite office. They wud knw wat to do. Just visit d ict centre

    • Didee thanks. ..but I don’t live close to Nsukka…I was there last month to lay my complaints but they couldn’t do anything about it, I just wasted my transport fare coming all the way…its a different thing for those who paid the school fees when they weren’t told to but as for this acceptance fee which is the only payment i’ve made so far because we were all asked to pay, it was even published in the newspaper so I don’t understand why they will subject people to this stress by not confirming payment of the acceptance fee…just regretting Unn.

      • Pls aw did u pay ur acceptance fee.av gotten my invoice bt eachtym i go 2 d bank 2 pay my profile does not show.pls cn u msg me via my no.08032563436.is dat d way it is.pls let me know

  • I wish we all we hv one mind….

    • The old students Are planning to protest against the wicked vc and the school fees. Can you imagine the sch fees was increased from 57,700 to 67000 in 2012, and now 151,700 in 2014. What a mess. We thought the new vc would be better than Bartho. But he has turned out to be wicked that we can imagine. He forgot that many pg students are sponsoring themselves without job
      Infact, all concerned should not attempt to pay the fees until we launch a protest. And it is likely that I wil abandon this program if notn is done abt it.

  • Don’t be surprised, by tomorrow so many people will be rushing to the bank to pay this new fees. I wish I could control everybody so that no one will pay this fees. I wonder which type of country we are in. Things keep going bad and our usless govt. Sits and watch.

    • I won’t be suprised either.The fee could be chicken change to some.I haven’t paid my acceptance fee cuz i was waiting for this.

      Money person fit use start better business. .

      Transcript – 15k
      Application form – 20k
      T.fare – 3k
      Acceptance fee – 25k
      School fee – 146k
      Hostel fee – 30k (if they don’t increase that also)

      That’s 230k + and other miscellaneous expenses.

      Someone please tell me i’m crazy cuz e be like say E dun happen

  • I still haven’t been able to confirm payment of acceptance fee…I hope I haven’t lost my 25k which i paid more than a month ago…How can unn be this way? After paying 20k for the form and the stress of aptitude test then the 25k acceptance fee and now the the deadly new school fees…it is unfair! I go do midnight prayers for this matter oo. Its only those who are resposible and working for their money that will feel this horrible pinch.

  • Chai, dis is not funny….@Didee, tnx i hv seen it. Am paying 146700…..Dis can’t be…we no go greeeeeeeee……………………

  • Pls is this latest news really true? It hasn’t been posted on the school website yet…how can we pay that much? Things are so difficult and it’s insane to force us to pay through our nose.

  • @na wa o: just follow the procedure I gave. u wil see it. don’t loggin to ur profile yet as ur profile wil only b opened when u have generated fees invoice and made payments. unn.edu.ng TO unn portal TO generate invoice TO ur 6 digits. complete d session, fee type etc and generate the invoice. u wil see d amount dare.

  • Enh!!!!!!!!! See this ppl ooo….wen I’ve been expecting 80K 2b d highest dey wud increase it….oh do they wnt 2 use us nd complete the decreased schl fees for d undergrads…we no go gree oooo….lai lai..

  • This can not, never be possible….they decreased d undergraduate fees and increased ours. We no go gree!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • @Ada & All. folow dis step 2print or view d new acceptance & sch fee invoice. Login 2 unn.edu.ng navigate to mid extreme right hand corner & click on unn portal. It opens up all unn portal den u loggon to d postgraduate portal. Insert ur 6 digits numba and folow d steps to print ur respective invoice. For dose of us who hav been threatenin protest, I think it’ll b very much needed now! Lolz

    • Didee pls how did u get this info cos ive logged on to the website and then the post graduate portal and still couldn’t generate any invoice indicating the said amount…I pray to God that this isnt so.

  • This is totally BAD…pls Didee, whch site can i see d fees?

  • Folow these steps to print ur new acceptance and sch fee invoice. Loggin to http://www.unn.edu.ng, navigate to mid extreme right hand corner and click on unn portal, proceed to postgraduate portal, loggin ur six digits number and submit. Clik next, fill in session, payment purpose and fee type and generate invoice. U can den pay at d banks. I believe dere wud b a proper way to channel our agression, no need for names and all whatsnot. Thank u.

  • The sch fees is now available online. The fees are double and more dan double in some cases. Eg academis masters for Arts is 136,700, Biological sciences, Engineering, Sciences and Agric is 146,700 and so on. While d acceptance fee remains @ 25k. No fees yet available for Phd. And professional masters MBA, MPH etc are higher dan dose mentioned above. Dis is terrible. Happy sunday y’all

  • Does it mean that all payments including that of acceptance fee should wait Tull January, 2015?

  • Well I knew it would begin in January..my only prayer is that the program does not exceed 2015…and I wonder how much the school fees will be..na that one go decide if bank fit hold am during this period ooo

  • Sad but true…I just learnt that payment and registration will resume in January…..so in other not to spend what you have especially this festive season, I’ll advise you to weld your money with a welding machine and allow it sit back in your account resisting every temptation to squander it. Meanwhile stay glued to the university website for updates before January. Merry xmas and a joyous New year in Advance!

    • wots the source of ur inf as it seems to contradict the 2nd week of Dec notice we were told. kindly revert pls. of course will hav to watch our spending so we can pay the high PG fee

  • Type your comment here…don’t worry every thing is settled now. proper communication will b next week.

  • @ Shalom thanks. You are Shalom indeed. I hope the banks and pgunn e-transact plat form won’t respond as usual.

  • am tired to stay @ home, those incharge should do somtin.

  • Can I generate payment invoice for acceptance fee twice? Rain soaked the first one in one of the occasions I went to try if banks could effect the payment. Will the 2nd one be valid?

  • anyone wit info abt unn supplementary list,should kindly kip us updated.happy new month to u all

  • Have the banks started accepting the acceptance fee? or d website is still not uploading?

  • All these people talking about removal of acceptance fee are dreaming, the decision has already been made by the board, and the directives given to you, do well to pay on time. Obedience is the first rule. Information just reaching my table has confirmed that the portal is now on, so you can pay at the bank. Wishing you all the best….

    • Please when is unn going to release the pg supplementary list anybody that knows should let us know please.

    • @ Shalom haven’t your one week elapsed since 3/11/2014. Does it mean UNN deceived students?. You people should refund those that have paid acceptance fees. There is hard time,those that are at the helms of our institution schooled and feed freely but they have turned around to punish the poor masses bc they have the opportunity.. God dey OOOOOO

    • check d bank today but d invoice I created for d payment of acceptance fee was said to be invalid.

  • @sl33k….I laff @ u in hindu…if they cancel acceptance fee,they will not refund me back..hehe..I knw I didn’t see anyfn like “non-refundable fee” in that newspaper..so I get mouth even for supreme court

  • those who have paid their acceptance fee simply followed the instruction given so stop ranting that they rushed into paying,they had the money and deemed it to pay than hoard the money. whatever unn want to do,they should do but they are simply disappointing. its too bad that a pg school will act in this manner.

  • Hi all,i wanted to pay the acceptance fee and i made a call to some dude in the cafe at unn and he said i shouldn’t cos the portal is having issues, i wacked the bar and now i have saved another 2500k ,guys should i still wack the money…….. is acceptance fee real?

  • Hi all,i wanted to pay the acceptance fee and i made a call to some dude in the cafe at unn and he said i shouldn’t cos the portal is having issues, i wacked the bar and now i have saved another 2500k ,guys should i still wack the money…….. is acceptance fee reallll?

  • All these people talking about removal of acceptance fee are dreaming, the decision has already been made by the board, and the directives given to you, do well to pay on time. Obedience is the first rule. Information just reaching my table has confirmed that the portal is now on, so you can pay at the bank. Wishing you all the best.

  • how did u perform below 20%? I’m baffled. u guys jumping about to pay the acceptance fee should calm down. what about departments that don’t even have primary list but most of them made above average? for those of u who are rushing to pay the acceptance fee, if for any reason it is reduced you will not get a refund. unn has never refunded any1 before. i can assure u of that.

    • @Sl33k u would nt be bafled and made such coment to jude,i know of a 1st class pdt curently wit me in dept who made 16% last yr.dt apt test cud flow anybody including u….jude relaxed u still have chance of making it @last

  • @Jude…its looking likely..no one is very sure buh I strongly feel they will

  • @Dide and co(our nervous relievers) are they shortlisting more names especialy doz dt perfomed below 20 in aptd test?

  • @ Didee & all that matters, thank you for putting us through all this, the last straw that will break the camels back is if you try to increase the school fees you will see the students on rampage like what happened in Unijos and Lasu, You people should remember what started in Nsukka in 1966 or 1967, Please try every thing to prevent it this period of our National live.

  • Story for the gods. Hail varsity of Nigeria!!!

    • since the 1week notice has systematically snowballed into a month and even more with the trend on ground, i think it is out of place for the PG school to officially apoligize to the masses for the delay coupled with an offical statement that probably should end thus” official date and procedure shall be communicated in due time”. this wud help to knock down the restiveness in our minds. abi how u see am? Leaving us in ummunicado worsens the situation after all.

  • well lets just hope ders no acceptance fee anymore. And for d fees, it may vary depending on d respective faculty. In any case, i dont feel dere wud b much increment. Just alittle disapointed with d one week circular dat is now runnin into one month. D time table of event dosent realy need to come with d supplementary list, bt if dats hw dey wan it, we can only just b patient. Evrytin wil work togeda for good. All is well..

  • @Chidim ..u shudnt be worried at all…d only fin u shud be careful of is eating part of the acceptance fee..lol..Just kidding…just be patient..u won’t lose your admission..so many hav nuh paid..its d schl’s fault
    @Munac..ur claim abt acceptance fee is wrong..plz dnt put fear nd confusion into those who hav paid theirs…the schl gave a directive and ppl followed d instructions..if not it wudnt hav been possible for any1 to print his/her admission letter..

    • @emeka you are very right ooh! I don chop pass half the money.Lol! Well thanks. Your words just gave me hopes again.

  • Please I haven’t paid for my acceptance fee because the banks just keep saying that the portal isn’t available. Pls I’m worried lest I lose my admission. Anyone with useful information on how to tackle this challenge should pls share. Is it possible to pay cash at the pg school? Those who have paid should pls share the banks they used. Please heeeeelp! I’m worried!

    • Why are u worried. I have not paid and 95% of those given admission have not paid the acceptance fee. Pg school is having problem on fee payment. There was nothing like acceptance fee for pg programme and increment in sch fees. The sch authority is seriously looking into this issue to avoid ugly protest from both old and new students. You are on the safe side cos acceptance fee might be canceled at last.

  • This type of attitude and incompetence from institutions leaves one hopeless and pessimistic about anything Nigeria. If the workers in the PG school or the dean is not competent, or that Portal’s admin can handle tasks of this magnitude, THEY SHOULD BE CHANGED for goodness sake.
    Why is this info taking too long?
    I am afraid. I see PG students doing masters for three or four years for no just cause.

  • Pls can Sombody in d house tel me abt d acceptance fees if the unn portal is ready for d payment nw thanks? Pls I wat to knw bcos I hv not pay mine yet

  • I heard unofficially dat dey are shortlisting more names from doz dt scored low in d aptd test dt z y dey have nt released d aproved suplimentary list which wi b puplished along wit d time table of event in d daily.diz actually is causing d delay.someone shuld confirmed diz for d house plz

  • PG school should know that everybody have plans, they shouldn’t be found wanton in their speech. Likewise the fate of students whose departments were not published in the initial list should be hastened.

  • the timetable of events will soon be available on website, that is our hope so as to plan in that direction.

    • @Dahiru…plz r u giving us an information u got or sumfn..coz Im finding it hard to understand wat u r trying to say

  • what rational explational are u trying to give us. Is ur right to be given d service u paid for, we did not owe them any thing to gain favour. we are not kids that should b toyed with. matured comment please.

    • @tout. Take it easy. Matured or imatured comment may not change anything. I understand the plight. It’s just that unn pg failed to plan before advertising their admission. What she is doing now is what she should have done before selling form began. The error has been committed already. How I wish the initial error will not extend to keep the program beyond its stipulated period.

    • Every decision UNN is about to take or already taken will work for our own good

  • C The plan is to call u guys in next month. Though it’s out of expectations, just exercise patience. D delay is to our favour.

    • @Otu…..we r trying to be patient…just dat some times we hav to say our minds and some of us are under pressure if you undastnd what I mean…dis is festive season nd d fees will not come out of trees…buh all the same..God is in control

    • U are right, especially now dat d festive seasons are by d corner. Trust UNN any way.

  • And the 3rd week goes by….Unn disappointing ppl since 1960

  • God punish unn pg sch for dis delay..

  • Hello everyone,Am so surprised at UNN’s slow attitude to the PG” registration and the likes.I went to diamond bank to pay for my acceptance fee but was told the acct no to pay into isn’t displaying.UNN info said the curriculum for school fees n time table would be released in a week’s time,this is the 2nd week if not 3rd and nothing has been released.MY QUESTION IS WHEN WILL THE PORTAL BE READY FOR PAYMENT OF ACCEPTANCE FEE.UNN info pls note DAT we work and plan budgets.Don’t disorganise us plllllllssssssssss.Awaiting a good response

  • Please all consigned should know that One week is One Month for UNN. Any increase in the school fees will be resisted by the students period…..

    • We should plan towards first week of december cos when i called d secretary he told me dat we should plan to resume next month

    • 1week is not imonth for unn. the fact that it is like this now is no sufficent ground to make such unguided comment. things do not just happen to. u probably wud appreciate the reason for the supposed delay if u had the privilege to hear fro the rght source. of course any attempt to increase the fee after the much we have paid will be viewd as heartlessness and of course ‘we no go gree’..pls Oganza, hep me tell the new pg dean ; i no get him phone number

  • UNN info team, pls may I know if PG registration has commenced at Nsukka cos I’m getting conflicting reports

  • How much is d new pg sch fees, @justice?

  • @justice & UDO pls have u guys seen d new pg sch fees? How much is it?

    • Pls,my guys,i hvn’t seen or heard d new sch. Fees. But am just pleading with our new pg dean to considerate & view it that all fingers are not equal. Ka eze m gozie ya mgbe o mere nkea.

  • Unn shud lower sch. Fees pls

    • 21k form,16k transcript,unexpected 25k acceptance=62k already,hard apt. Test plus unknown goliath sch. Fees,experienced by 1 set.is it not too much.pls,new pg dean,is dis transformation to hardship or increased suffering.i cater 4 myself.pity my likes, please SIR.God bless


  • Please bankers cannot access the
    Etranzact platform for my acceptance
    now because we don’t know what PERSONAL ID means.
    What should i do? They were asking for the PERSONAL ID and the INVOICE NUMBER. Please is that personal ID, is it the Application Form Number, or what please?

  • This is just very poor..very very poor from Unn ….I’m trying so hard to be calm but has to be said…woefully and beautifully poor

  • Unn pg school is a total failure. This is just a tip of what will happen when school resume proper. Untimely release of results and so on. I won’t even b suprise to hear those whom their names were published end up not seeing their names again

  • And that was how a week turned to two…Lemme just say my mind abeg…Unn 2b sincere You ppl are not Serious…ppl r moving forward and you are not even trying to catch up…nd I tot my own school was disorganized…mtcheeeeew….if una like..answer us nxt year..dat one concern una…my own be say if d calender enter 2016,make una chop ur admission biko…lion this and lioness that…mtchhheeeeew…where u don see lion they carry last before..mtcheeeewww

  • this is why Nigeria never move foward because you people are not suceptible to change. You always settle for less either for your own selfish gain or you can do anything to change a situation. You all deserve better from unn please don’t be compromised to comform to their reindeer games.

  • Pls, has any1 been able to pay acceptance. Blc all d banks are saying dere is no acceptance fee on the UN etransact. Dat only sch fees is displaying

  • Pls, has any1 been able to acceptance. Blc all d banks are saying dere is no acceptance fee only sch fees on the UN etransact.

  • You guys should just chill because as for pgd I believe its gonna start January that’s why there are doing these all things.. Remember last year their results came out before ours both primary and supplementary yet there started January and when we are yet to see supplementry list some are already paying fees whhich they don’t even the amont. As for acceptance its ok to pay for but any other payment, you are on your own.

    • We are waiting for them. just keep us posted on trend on the pg stuff as unn pg skul has become unpredictable of late. always feed us with info whose source and accuracy is not in doubt and this would go a long way in helping all tconcerned

  • Pg sect abeg make una answer us oh!that’s if u re really d sect of pg school…

  • Evething will be ok on or before monday 17th Nov. Bear with us


    • Hmmmm. pg. skul 17is almost gone whts a hail re u doing. No supplementary list n no skul fees which kind of skul is this? Pls if ur nof ready of skull pls let us know that we APply in a better university.excuse me

  • For how long can we wait? This is discouraging.

  • Na wa oo…Unn we go fry egg for una…na wa ooo….mtcheeeeew…

  • There’s God!

  • UNN is more than Drogba, Messi and Michel. They behaves like Swarez.They wants to bit off our hands and legs with their high school fees but we are going to resist them like FIFA resisted Swarez if they increase it more than #75,000 after charging application fee of #20,000, acceptance fee of #25,000 etc. Let them get prepared for students action.

  • @Onyeka ,U see what I saw? Pg , Why keeping us in suspense? Professional footballers dribble but u are not one. Why the Rony’s, the Drogba’s etc. styles

  • “. . . within the next one week”. Signed on 01/11/2014 and today is 11/11/2014. Please, how may days make one week? What is the definition of ‘within the next one week’ in the about important info?

    • I always thought that pg program is the hallmark of ivory towers of higher institutions in Nigeria, but my experience so far shows me the opposite. All i see is high form of mediocrity and gross inadequacies in this exodial journey. I can i trust the high bodies in supervising, grading and evaluating students if they find it difficult to organise mere registration process. First impression truly matters not monies that will go into your pocket.

  • Unninfo make una abeg tell us waitin d happen naw.we don tire to d wait oh

  • Broda u are ryt. 25k is just 2much 4 aceptance fee. I just hope pg fee wil nt exceed 75k. In short am already getin discourage wit d whole tin

  • This our set, is it a kind of bad luck or what? I just don’t understand what is going on. I don’t also think it has being like this before. Just look at this, form, 20k, transcript 15k, acceptance again 25k, I.e. 60k so far plus app. Test. Admission list took four month. who knows school fees may be 100k plus. Why now? Even state universities acceptance fees are usually about 5k there about. If I knew it will like this I would v gone to another school or better still, out of the country, Seriously.

  • Haba…. No any positive reply from UNNinfo and d PG DG also is silent! Pls some one suld help us with a beta news

  • Please for God’s sake UNN should not increase the school fees more than #80, 000 because most people coming to UNN are very poor people who can only go to school through UNN and its likes. God Bless UNN, the great Lion

  • Abeg saga make u no kill us oh!where u get dat news from?

  • the PG new school fees is about 104k. May God help us!

  • Plss can d vocational teacher education departmt offer M ed business education 2015/2016. Help me pls

  • please i wants to know d departmental cutoff for History and International relation

  • Its over a week now that i have been trying to pay for my acceptance fee. All banks i visited told me d unn page isn’t uploading for acceptance fee. Is it same even in Nsukka ?

  • @Mohamme, it should be around feb or march 2015. #jst_thinking

  • When did app forms for d 2015/2016 b on sale

  • Please bankers cannot access the Etranzact platform for my acceptance now. Whatshould i do?

    • u have to wait. D platform has nt yet been uploaded. D new pg portal is stil been worked on. Anyone making payments nw is doin so at his or her own peril.

    • Do not pay yet until the school fees n pg time table of event is on. Anybody that has paid for school fees is on his or her own cos the new account number is yet to come out. I just came back from Unn this evening disappointed cos all the banks on e transact platform have been directed to stop payment of acceptance fee.

  • plss Unn Info help me out.
    I paid pg acceptance fee but to confirm the payment now is a problem. it gave me this response UNEXPECTED ERROR.
    help out pls

  • I sent someone to pay my acceptance fee but he paid it with a wrong payment invoice, for that I cannot gate access to print my admission letter pls what should I do

  • Have they started paying the acceptance fee and if yes how can i pay mine

    • I sent someone to pay my acceptance fee but he paid it with a wrong payment invoice, for that I cannot gate access to print my admission letter pls what should I do

      • I hv paid for the acceptance and I also printed my provisional admission letter. Still waiting for the time table and school fee access

  • Those people that were rushing to pay their school fees and other fees without knowing d basic info, I don’t understand u people o o.

  • Pls INFO when is the supplementary list coming out. I want to know my stand. Useful info will help. Thanks

  • usually u dont rush to get tinz like dis done. Its always best to chill a little. Now some hav paid fees when dey were not instructed to do so. What if d new fee schedule is higher or lesser? Well hopefully dere wud b a way out. Bt u guys hav to chill wit all dese payment stuffs until d portal is set and d pg sch has released her time table of events. All dis shud b sorted out dis week. Patience my frends dey say is a virtue. I employ us all to b patient.

  • what about us that have already made the payment? UNN INFO pls help us on what next…. Infact the accomodation portal is not available

    • Pls does anyone knows wat payee I.D is…I tried paying 4 the acceptance fee in GTBANK and they keep asking me for the payee I.D. And is GTBANK an ideal bank to pay the fee?

  • I have confirmed the payment of acceptance fee but i didnt see the admission letter to print. i only saw a slip with my name,fac,dept,email which academic session reads 2012-2013. UNN INFO, what do i do?

    • @davids…after confirming ur acceptance payment,click on ” my admission slip” which is on the top left hand side of d screen.thats ur admission letter. And make sure its the home page

  • The PG school has to do a thorough job. Hopefully, there will be enough time for acceptance fee and school fees payment before late registration period overtakes us. Right now the PG Etranzact platform has packed up like a hopeless second-hand car. I travelled to UNN to effect the payment only to encounter disappointment.

  • they have removed the payment page now. i dont know exactly what to do now because confirmation of payment online was not done successfully. pls with useful info should contribute, thanks.

  • What of those of us who has already paid for the school fees, how does tis affect us?

  • Please unn info, help us and ask the Dean if pg supplementary list will be released and when it will be released so that we will know how to plan our life because some of us are married men and women with children.

    • pls does anyone knw hw I can access my admission letter cos am trying to source for a sponsor nd they require it.pls anyone with useful information should help out, tnx.


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